Welcome to The Bay County Genealogical Society
Established 2 September 1980
Hurricane Message
We Are just now recovering from hurricane Michael. This site has been down since 10 October 2018 and has just been brought back online 16 March 2019 under a new Web Host Provider. We wish to extend our sympathies to all those harmed by the hurricane.
FSGS Announces Preservation Award to BCGS
The Bay County Genealogical Society has just been awarded the first Preservation Award presented by the Florida State Genealogical Society! This site is recognized as the best of 67 county genealogical sites in Florida in terms of protecting, preserving, and indexing its historical records. WOW!
Research Portal Added
We have just recently added a major new feature to this Web site: A Research Portal to the Known Genealogical Resources of Bay County, Florida! It is designed to facilitate access with a single, logically arranged tool to pick up the trail of your ancestor in Bay County records. Please take a tour and let us know if you find it helpful. Check it our at Bay County Research Gateway
About Us:
The Bay County Genealogical Society
is dedicated to the advancement, education, and promotion of
family history research, and to the preservation and distribution of historical records
related to Bay County, Florida, and surrounding areas. We operate in accordance with our Bylaws, which you can read here here.
We welcome everyone who is interested in family history and genealogy, whether you are a Society
member or not. Meetings are held the
third Saturday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the conference room of the new Bay County
Public Library at 898 West 11th Street, Panama City, Florida. (Exception: meetings are NOT held in July and August.)
The Board of Directors meets at the same location at 10:00
a.m. also on the third Saturday of the month. All BCGS members are welcome, and we particularly invite those who may wish
to participate in any of our community programs. Check out our Upcoming Events page.
Membership and Dues:
Membership in this organization, with voting rights and the right to hold office, is open to anyone
without restriction of race, color, creed or sex who has a continuing interest in genealogy and
whose membership dues are current. Annual dues are $20.00 for individuals, $20.00 for families and $10.00 for
students; payable in December for the year following. Please join us. Download a Membership Application Form here.
Your Society is on the move!
We are one of the first societies in Florida to post a county-wide burial index online;
one of the first to post our newsletters online, and one of the first to implement a
First Families program. Additional new initiatives are planned to increase the Society's
contributions to the preservation, indexing, and dissemination of genealogically
important Bay County records.
Several of these are are already underway and are continually adding real content
to our web site. Learn more on our
Ongoing Projects page.
Contact us at:
You are our number visitor -- check back often for the latest news!
Last updated on .
©2005-2022 tadalafil overnight delivery canada Bay County Genealogical Society, P.O. Box 662, Panama City, FL 32402-0662
interments, cemetery, cemeteries, burials, cemetery index, bay county cemeteries, bay county florida cemeteries, bay county florida interments. Baker Bayou, Bayhead, Bayou George, Brown-McQuaggs, Callaway Cemetery, Catholic, Cedar Creek, Evergreen prednisone Memorial Gardens, Farmdale, Forest Lawn Memorial, Fountain Community, Gainer, Gainer (Washington Co.), Garden of Memories, Gay, Grassy Point, Greenwood, Gunlock, Hillside, Holy Nativity Episcopal, Lynn Haven, Lynn Haven Community, Marywood, Mashburn, Millville, Oakland, Oliver Creek, Parker, Porter, Redfish, Redwood, Sandy Mountain, Southport (Old), Southport Memorial Gardens, St. Andrew's Memorial Gardens, Watts-Gainier, West Bay, Youngstown. |